Rosa Hybrid Tea selection |
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Hybrid Tea Rose cultivar |
Hybrid tea roses are the traditional classic roses; buds are used for boutonnieres. These roses have long stems with a single rose at the end, which may or may not be fragrant. Blooms typically start in spring until fall. Many colors now available. Roses prefer full to part sun with well draining, rich soil. It needs fertilizer after each bloom period. It prefers medium watering and more in hot summer areas. Mulch well. Prune in winter. It usually grows 2'-6' tall.
Plant Type
Height Range
1-3', 3-6'
Flower Color
Lavender, Orange, Pink, Red, Yellow, Violet, White, Multi-Colored
Flower Season
Spring, Summer, Fall
Leaf Color
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Water-wise plants can be beautiful as well as practical.
Take your 'My List' Hydrozone Report to a landscape designer, or local nursery, when selecting and purchasing plants.