Cistus ladanifer |
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Crimson-Spot Rockrose |
Crimson spot Rockrose is a mid-sized shrub to 6' with an equal spread and a compact habit. Leaves are 4" long, dark green above, lighter beneath, sticky and fragrant. Flowers are white and 3" wide, with a maroon basal spot on each petal. They bloom in late spring and early summer. Adapted to periods of drought. Originally from Southwestern Europe to North Africa. - Native Sons Nursery
Plant Type
Height Range
Flower Color
Violet, White, Multi-Colored
Flower Season
Spring, Summer
Leaf Color
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.