Rhus lanceolata

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Flameleaf Sumac

Plant photo of: Rhus lanceolata
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Information by: George Hull MSN        Photographer: Mountain States Nursery



An evergreen shrub or small tree reaches 30', either single or suckering. Usually found on limestone or neutral soils. Extremely heat and drought tolerant. Aromatic leaves. Develops small white to pink flowers, red berries follow. Leaves are vivid red in fall. Leaves are narrower, more refined and have more graceful growth habit than copallina var. copallina to which it is compared.


  • Anatomy

  • Sun/Water

  • Design

Plant Type

Tree, Shrub


Height Range



Flower Color

Green, Yellow


Flower Season

Winter, Summer


Leaf Color

Dark Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color

Black, Red


Fruit Season






Very Low, Low, Extra in Summer


Growth Rate



Soil Type

Sandy, Clay


Soil Condition

Average, Well-drained


Soil pH

Neutral, Basic


Adverse Factors


Design Styles

Ranch, Seascape, Wild Garden, Woodland


Accenting Features

Fall Color, Showy Flowers


Seasonal Interest

Winter, Spring


Location Uses

Background, Parking Strip, Patio, Street Tree, With Rocks


Special Uses

Erosion Control, Hedge, Screen, Mass Planting, Fire Resistant, Naturalizing


Attracts Wildlife


Water Saving Tip:

Water-wise plants can be beautiful as well as practical.

Take your 'My List' Hydrozone Report to a landscape designer, or local nursery, when selecting and purchasing plants.