Nolina bigelovii

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California Native Plant
Plant photo of: Nolina bigelovii
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Information by: GardenSoft        Photographer: Mountain States Nursery



Beargrass is a perennial herb that looks like bunchgrass. It reaches 3'-6' tall and wide. Gray foliage is stiff and arching; it can be 1" wide in diameter and 3' long. In spring, clusters of white flowers on a tall stalk rise above the foliage, resembling yucca. With maturity, Beargrass develops a trunk 3'-6' tall. This tough, dependable plant does well in desert areas as it prefers full sun and heat. It is drought tolerant once it's established.


  • Anatomy

  • Sun/Water

  • Design

Plant Type

Perennial, Herb


Height Range



Flower Color



Flower Season



Leaf Color

Grey Green


Bark Color



Fruit Color



Fruit Season


Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.