Manzanita Near Pool Edge
Hybrid Tea Rose cultivar
Howard McMinn Manzanita
California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My
Rose selected cultivars
Fern Pine
Hybrid Tea Rose cultivar

Common name:Hybrid Tea Rose cultivar
Botanical name:Rosa Hybrid Tea selection

Hybrid tea roses are the traditional classic roses; buds are used for boutonnieres. These roses have long stems with a single rose at the end, which may or may not be fragrant. Blooms typically start in spring until fall. Many colors now available. Roses prefer full to part sun with well draining, rich soil. It needs fertilizer after each bloom period. It prefers medium watering and more in hot summer areas. Mulch well. Prune in winter. It usually grows 2'-6' tall.

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Common name:Howard McMinn Manzanita
Botanical name:Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn

This shrub is highly appreciated for its dense show of small, pale pink, urn-shaped flowers that bloom in winter. The mahogany-red to brown bark (which peels beautifully) is the major attraction. Evergreen foliage is light green and densely covers the shrub. It is hardy, tolerating sandy and clay soil, but prefers well draining soil. It slowly reaches 4'-6' tall and 6' wide.

California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My

Common name:California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My
Botanical name:Umbellularia californica

The California Bay is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub that slowly reaches 30'-60' high. It tolerates full sun in coastal areas but prefers afternoon shade in warm, inland areas and moderate amount of water. Use foliage for cooking, which is more pungent thatn Sweet Bay leaf. Yellow flowers appear in spring, followed by purple, inedible fruit.

Rose selected cultivars

Common name:Rose selected cultivars
Botanical name:Rosa species

These shrubs and vines are the most-loved in the West and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and are easy to maintain with proper care. Roses can be espaliered or used on a trellis or as shrubs along walkways. Some are fragrant; most have thorns.

Fern Pine

Common name:Fern Pine
Botanical name:Afrocarpus elongatus

Soft, narrow, pointed, needle like leaves on graceful arching branches characterize this tree. New foliage is light green, changing to bright green. Fern Pine can be used as an individual specimen, screen, tree or shrub. Very few pests and litter so it is used as a street tree. It can slowly reach 60' tall and 40' wide. In hot inland areas, this tree needs regular watering but will tolerate drought conditions. It can be planted in full or partial sun or shade.

Designer: Jody Palmer

Manzanita Near Pool Edge

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Water Saving Tip:

Change spray sprinklers to low-flow bubbler or drip systems. Shrubs and trees are ideal candidates for this type of irrigation because the water is applied directly to the root zones.

Integrated Pest Management:

Remove irrigation water and fertilizer from areas where you don't want weeds to grow.