Common name:Fern Yarrow
Botanical name:Achillea X kellereri
The white colored, flat-topped flowers of this plant are visible on the mats it forms, which have a gray green, wooly appearance with leaves that are similar to those of a fern. The yarrow propagate easily from rooted cuttings or division, which should be performed in the early spring or fall. Following bloom, one should dead head the plant and divide the clumps when it appears crowded.
Common name:Potatoe Vine
Botanical name:Solanum laxum
This twisting vine will grow 25' in length and has deciduous, glossy green leaves with blue and white flowers that are in constant bloom. This plant is poisonous when ingested.
Common name:Chinese Pistache
Botanical name:Pistacia chinensis
The Pistacia chinensis is a deciduous tree with broad, spreading growth to 50' in height. Its leaves have 10-16 leaflets, and the fall coloring arrives in beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. Prune young trees to shape. This tree does not have edible nuts. Female trees have tiny red fruit, turning dark blue. It prefers full sun and deep, infrequent waterings. This is a great street or park tree.
Common name:Butterfly Iris or Fortnight Lily
Botanical name:Dietes iridioides
This clumping evergreen iris bears tall, narrow leaves to 30" tall and white flowers marked purple in the center on stalks to 3' tall, appearing spring through fall. This variety has stiffer, darker foiliage than the bicolor form. It requires sun to part shade with little or no summer watering when established. This is a very reliable plant. Divide every 3-5 years to keep it looking fresh.
Common name:Purple Smoke Tree
Botanical name:Cotinus coggygria 'Purpureus'
A deciduous shrub or small tree that grows up to 10' tall, the "Purpureus" is grown for its wispy, thread-like flower clusters in summer. Its green foliage turns a brilliant purple and then yellow to red in the fall. This shrub is a show stopper! It prefers full sun but will do better with afternoon shade in hot inland areas. This attractive shrub is drought tolerant once it's established.
Common name:California or Golden Poppy
Botanical name:Eschscholzia californica
This small annual (sometimes acts as a perennial) plant will grow to less than 1' tall and has light, small blue-green leaves with gold and orange flowers that bloom in spring and summer.
Common name:Large Blue Fescue, Tufted Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca amethystina 'Superba'
'Superba' is a hardy fescue with finely textured blue-green foliage that grows 8"-12' tall. It has spring flowers with tan spikes and purple tones that are 12" above the foliage .This fescue is a very showy, neat grass for sunny well draining spots. It prefers regular watering. This lovely ground cover is great in dry creek beds and borders.
Designer: | Looking at the Gazebo |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.
Apply as little fertilizer as possible.
If you use fertilizer make sure it stays on the landscape, and carefully water it in so there is NO runoff.
Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.