Common name:Homestead Purple Verbena
Botanical name:Verbena 'Homestead Purple'
This perennial will reach 1'-2' tall and has small green leaves with purple flowers that bloom during warm weather. It is frost tender but will come back when the ground warms up. Feed with an all-purpose fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Verbena works as a great groundcover. Pinch ends to promote dense growth.
Common name:Marina Strawberry Madrone
Botanical name:Arbutus 'Marina'
The Marina is quite easy to cultivate, with leaves that are smaller and not as glossy as the Madrone. Its flowers are pink, borne in pendant clusters in the summer. The fruit is large, red and quite ornamental. The plant should be grown in sun to partial shade, with little or no summer watering when established. The 'Marina' prefers good drainage. -Monterey Bay Nursery
Common name:Whirling Butterflies White Gaura
Botanical name:Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies'
'Whirling Butterflies" is a profusely flowering perennial that grows 3' high. It has pink buds that open to showy white flowers (larger than other cultivars) in spring and summer. It needs full sun in most areas but afternoon shade in desert areas. It needs regular watering. This is a great plant for cut flowers and flower borders.
Common name:Santa Barbara or Mexican Daisy
Botanical name:Erigeron karvinskianus
This low mounding perennial, with fine leaves and white to pinkish daisy-like flowers, is an excellent asset to rock gardens.
Designer: | Santa Barbara Daisies and Friends |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.
In general, lawns only need to be watered once every three days.
Check your irrigation controller and reduce watering times if necessary.
Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.